Vassar College Invitational

2022 — NSDA Campus, NY/US

On behalf of the Vassar College Debate Society, we invite you and your team to the seventh annual Vassar College Invitational Tournament from November 5th through November 6th, 2022.  This is an online tournament and will consist of Varsity and Novice divisions in Parliamentary Debate.  We will be hosting the tournament using Zoom for General Assembly and Tabroom's Campus facility for the individual debate rounds.

This is Vassar's seventh consecutive year hosting our high school tournament.  We hope to replicate the success of previous years by making our tournament as efficient, well-organized, and enjoyable as attendees have come to expect.

A full invitation with further details may be found to the left of this page.  If you have additional questions or need assistance, please email us at .  Please do not hesitate to contact us if your team is experiencing financial difficulties.

Best wishes for the start of the school year--we look forward to seeing you virtually this November!